Cat Muir – The Law Of Attraction On It’s Head – Sunday 6th December 8pm
About Cat Muir
Hi I’m Cat Muir and I’m an author, speaker, hypnotist, NLPer and film and tv makeup artist.
I first trained in hypnosis and NLP way back at the start of the 1990’s, originally to help clients with weight loss, money and anxiety.
I’ve probably spent over 25 years + working out how people are wired up and why they do the things they do.
I believe, although everyone is different, paradoxically, we are actually all kind of the same.
Once you begin to understand just how everything really works, it’s easy to get along with people, improve your relationships and have a really lovely life.
On my life journey, I discovered a new method for getting our subconscious blocks out of the way and how the Law of Attraction really works.
I spend my time between writing, helping clients, teaching workshops, speaking in schools (when it’s not pandemic) and working in film and television.
What to expect
My workshop, “The Law Of Attraction On It’s Head”, is a different way to work with the LOA and get great results is a short amount of time.
We all use the LOA every day but we’re not always aware of it. Sometime we can believe it’s down to dumb luck or bad luck or sometimes people are just born lucky.
When I was young, I always wondered why some people were really nice people and had bad things happen to them and some really horrible people I knew had really good luck.
I kept asking for answers and studying everything I could and one night the answers just came to me, as weird as it sounds, in a dream.
I live what I teach every day and most things in life just seem to work out well for me most of the time.
That’s definitely not how it was before I worked on myself.
The person I used to be was very, very different and had not such nice outcomes. Back in the day, my life sucked! All the people I knew or worked with were nasty, bitchy and things pretty much never worked out in my favor.
I worked hard and I did manage to make some money but it wasn’t ‘happy’ money. Not like now.
My workshops came about because people who knew me or people I worked with kept asking me for advice on how to buy a house for a price they could easily afford, or how to meet their dream man, or how to have a better quality of life and be happy.
This short session with Graham will help you have a better grasp of how to manifest things for yourself and your clients.
I’m going to tell you;
- Exactly why the LOA doesn’t seem to work
- What all the steps are you need to do to manifest successfully
- Why and where you have your unconscious blocks
- How to get rid of them
When will I get the replay?
The replay access will be attached to your receipt on ‘Download here Link’
Look at our other list of replays Here
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When booking onto a live meet up there is two options of purchase.
Option 1 – Live attendance ticket allows you to join in with the meet up live that evening. Should you be in attendance you will also receive a copy of the replay post meet up. In the event you book this option and fail to attend you will forfeit the bonus of the replay without a refund.
Option 2 – Pre-booked replay ticket allows you access to the meet up, with a guaranteed replay in the event of not being able to attend live. This takes away the chance of missing out on your purchase.
With both options you will receive an access link post booking via email. This will be for the Zoom application and will only be available for the event you book for. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct internet speeds and suitable device to access the meet up.
Past Replays
Past replays are available for CPD purposes following meet ups. On the purchase of the replay you will be emailed the link for the video to be downloaded. Once a purchase has been made this is unable to be refunded. If, however you have any troubles loading please email us ASAP at