All Meet Ups are recorded for replays and will be received within 24hrs of the meet up ending
Replays can be pre-booked saving you money
You can watch the replays as many times as you wish.
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*Replays do cost more than attending live to encourage attendance.
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Live Hypnosis Training CPD
Dr Sue Peacock - How do Hypnotherapists Self Care?
9th Jun 8pm
Come Join Dr Sue where she will show proven ways to help you as a therapist achieve self care.
What is Hypnosis Online Meet Ups?
Hypnosis Online Meet Ups was created as a way to build a community in the hypnosis world. Using online meeting rooms, I brought together the power of Webinars but integrated with face to face interactions.
We have all been on a webinar when the question you asked gets swallowed up by the many others asking questions. Hypnosis online meet ups gives you the chance to ask your questions in person. As the meet up uses a video call you can see the presenter and the other attendees throughout the presentation.
Hypnosis online meet ups runs monthly bringing some of the biggest names in hypnosis to your home to give you quality learning within their fields.
How much will it cost?
There are 2 price platforms for meet ups. If you can join on the evening, you pay less than just wanting the catch up. this is to help building up a community of people that you can connect with when needed.
To join live the cost is £7.00, to receive the replay it is £8.99
How do I join?
There are multiple ways to join in with Hypnosis Online Meet Ups.
LIVEÂ -Â Joining live you will get the best prices for the meet ups, also you will receive the replay as thanks
REPLAY -Â Pre-booking the replay prior to the event, you will receive it within 24hrs via email of the meet up completing.Â
SUBSCRIPTION -Â By joining the subscription package, you guarantee the best prices for the meet up whether you attend or not
Hypnosis Online Meetups - EVENTS
Quality Presentations
This is an amazing group.
Hypnosis Online Meetings is presenting top quality presenters with state-of-the-art hypnosis, NLP and hypnotherapy approaches, methods and insights. No where else with such availability and access to these leaders in Hypnosis can one find such an online opportunity to hear these leaders download their tips and secrets.
Many thanks to Graham Webber and his tireless efforts to build and maintain this extraordinary resource for Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists.

Fabulous CPD
These Hypnosis Online Meet Ups are fabulous for CPD (Continued Professional Development), so many different ideas and inspiring thoughts. The host is very good and everyone can participate asking questions etc. Fabulous value for money too, much better to sign up for the ‘month;y package ‘- well it saves me forgetting every month too. I look forward to it every month, also seeing friends online -and IF for any reason you can’t make one there is always the catch up! Very very well done.
Thank you so much Graham for setting this up in the first place.

I have learned loads from the inspiring information from guest speakers. So grateful to have discovered the group. Big thank you Graham Webber.

Inspirational and motivational
The speakers are all inspirational and motivational. Especially during the lockdown. And a great appetizer for Mondays and the week ahead. Thank you Graham Webber

Fabulous group and sessions!
I love it that I can be at home and enjoy CPD sessions with a great group and wonderful speakers.
Graham, the founder, is awesome!

Engaging and fun.
Graham has set up and continues to provide a great space where you can learn and have fun all in the comfort of your own home. Great speakers/presenters each month, you can pose questions to them straight away in a community that’s friendly and engaging, I love it.

Helps me Stay Connected
I’ve only joined Hypnosis Online Meet Ups recently and can already say I love them, the platform offers such an easy way to stay connected with what’s going on in the hypnosis and therapy field. I love the mix of contributions which are not only restricted to the therapy side of things but also focus on business aspects, and the entertainment side of hypnosis. Well done, Graham.

It’s like having a coffee with mates.
The main thing I like about these meet ups is not only the quality of the speakers but the way it’s conducted. A very friendly approachable relaxed meeting. No egos, no judgements just great conversation for all levels of therapists. Graham is a great host who attracts great guests.

The Future
I have been attending Graham’s meet ups for a while now and it is such good idea and value for money.
Great speakers that leave us with golden nuggets of information and all done from the comfort of home…
Great idea and all is done in such a friendly professional way

Great community and support
Every month there are respected and often well known speakers with great skills and knowledge to share. Everyone is encouraged to ask questions of the host and speaker and participate if they want to. It is a great community for support and sharing ideas whether you are experienced or just starting out. Don’t be afraid to sign up, everyone at every level is welcome. It’s great value and a great learning group. Sign up now, you won’t regret it!

a great way to listen
Hypnosis Online Meet Ups are a great way to listen and learn with a group of like-minded therapists. Always good value and always interesting.